Bringing A New Pet Into An Older Dog’s Home

October 5, 2019


Introducing a new pet into a home with a dog which has been living there for a while can be tricky but it is certainly doable.

Dogs are not as territorial as cats and your dog won’t necessarily mind sharing the space with a new tenant as it will mind sharing you. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the steps necessary for a smooth transition of all pets (and humans) involved.

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Introducing a new pet has to be done gradually. The first meeting should be on neutral territory, and if possible walk or exercise both pets prior to bringing them home together for the first time so that they are too tired to care.

At the first meeting stand by your old dog and have a friend or a family member stand by the new pet so the old dog doesn’t feel threatened.

Let the pets sniff each other’s backs carefully while avoiding any face-to-face contact as it might lead to an incident.

Bring both pets home but don’t let them walk or sit in the car next to each.

Humans should be between them and the original dog should enter the home first with the owner, followed by the new pet brought in by a friend.

Have the pets’ food and water jars placed in different rooms and keep the newcomer in confinement for the first few days or weeks so that both pets get used to the smell of one another.

Spend time with both animals, swap their toys and blankets and have them spend a limited amount of time together under your supervision for the first few months before you leave them alone for the first time. The more time and effort you invest in introducing the pets to each other the more chances of success you have.

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