DIY Solutions For Matted Dog Hair

April 7, 2019


Making your own homemade sprays for detangling your pooch’s matted fur is not as hard as it may seem. Take some household items and supplies and get that mat out without spending money on expensive products found at the pet store, groomer or vet.

DIY Detangling Spray

Grab a clean, empty spray bottle, fill it up with fresh and clean water, add some of your regular hair conditioner and shake the mixture up until the solution is homogenous. Spray some on the mat and leave it on for a few minutes before you work on getting the mat out.

Cornstarch can also be used as a safe, non-toxic de-matting agent. Sprinkle some cornstarch on the matted area and work the mass into the fur using your fingertips. This will gradually lubricate the tangled fur to help get the mat out.

If the mat is being a bit more stubborn and the fur is a tad more tangled than you assumed, use a pin brush, slicker brush or comb to work at the mat.

Make sure you start on the outside and work your way in, gently picking at the strands so they would loosen up and eventually untangle.

Offer your canine buddy some treats throughout this tedious process as a reward for good behavior. And remember – patience is a virtue here.

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