Filling The Void Of A Lost Pet (Part 1)

July 16, 2019


When people lose their beloved canine friend, they are often not sure how long they should wait to get another pet, or even if they will ever be ready to love another pet the same way they loved their first pooch.

The truth is there is no one, or right answer to this question. People deal with grief differently and the death of a beloved pet can be rather heartbreaking and the grief never goes away overnight.

While some grieving pet owners wait mere days or weeks, others hold out for months and even years. Sometimes, people decide they no longer wish to have dogs as nothing can ever replace their beloved Fido. Although the situation differs from person to person, there are some rough guidelines on making this type of decision.

Overcoming Grief

First things first, you need to take enough time to recognize, experience and overcome your grief. In the previous article we talked about the stages through which most of us go when we experience loss. It is paramount to accept that it is perfectly normal to be sad, angry or lonely for a while.

On the other hand, you might feel relieved and sad at the same time. This usually happens if your recently deceased furry buddy suffered from a long and/or serious illness.

Our suggestion is not to go out and immediately fill the void with a new dog. You need time to process your feelings over the loss of your last dog, so you might even end up hating the new dog. The poor thing doesn’t deserve that, you will agree.

The trick is to get a new pet once you are ready to love him just as much as you loved Fido.

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