Help Your Puppy Out With An Indoor Dog Toilet

September 19, 2019


Although usually dogs like to take care of their ‘business’ outside, in certain situations this is just not possible or very hard to accomplish. But don’t despair if you can’t be around all day or if your puppy is vulnerable to catching diseases from the outside world, as the indoor dog toilet is here to save the day!

Simple As 1, 2, 3

If you thought dogs are deprived of the privilege to go while still inside their home, you were wrong.

In fact, examples have shown that a large number of dogs feel much less stress and tension while taking a bathroom break indoors.

Setting up an indoor dog toilet isn’t difficult at all. First off, determine the location where your puppy can litter in peace – make sure to choose a room with floors that are easy to clean, and don’t forget to include your pooch’s crate, bed, and bowls in it.

Pick a tray of any kind and line it with a toilet substrate you reckon will be most suitable for your pet. Dogs usually prefer sod, while you can also use gravel, thin concrete tiles, or bark chips. Steer clear of newspapers, because you don’t want to get your puppy to associate the New York Times with a No. 2.

Finally, don’t hesitate to mix outdoor with indoor bathroom times. Housetraining isn’t something that can be accomplished overnight, and this is the sure-fire way to go in order to teach your dog that going to an indoor toilet is as good as finding a nice bush or a tree.

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