Housetraining Made Easy With Crates

July 22, 2019


Despite the fact that almost any dog can be trained, a good chunk of them simply have a hard time where it is and where it’s not O.K. to go to the toilet. However, when it comes to housetraining, there’s a certain gadget that might just help you show your pooch right from wrong – crates.

Cruelty Or Necessity?

Many dog owners are quick to shun the idea of putting their canine in a crate simply because it bears a strong resemblance to captivity.

But consider this: isn’t it useful to have a temporary training measure so that you can housetrain your puppy in a blink of an eye?

The trick with using crates is quite simple, actually.

Once inside, your pooch’s bowels and bladder will fill up slowly, but surely. But since dogs don’t like to defecate where they sleep, your dog will restrain itself until the last possible moment.

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You should simply wait long enough for your dog to get a really, really big urge to ‘go’. When you release him, take him outside, let him do his business, then reward him handsomely. We can promise you your pet will remember this lesson for the rest of his life without being traumatized.

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