How To Keep A Young Pup Asleep At Night

July 26, 2019

New puppy is certainly a cuddly bundle of joy, until he starts crying at night, that is. People who are having a young puppy for the first time may be distressed by his unwillingness to sleep. The youngest puppies are just like human babies when it comes to sleeping, and they are not aware it is time to sleep.

Although it may take quite a while, you can eventually teach your puppy to sleep through the whole night. However, it takes a lot of patience and consistency.

Try feeding your puppy at least three hours before his bedtime. It is important not to feed him for the rest of the evening. This way he will have enough time to digest his food and go No.2 before his bedtime.

Don’t give him water just before bedtime. Your pooch simply can’t hold it the way older dogs can. His full bladder is your enemy at night. Limiting the water intake at night makes him able to control the urge to urinate.

Play with your puppy before bedtime. Let him get really tired so he’s able to sleep. He won’t keep on waking up and you get to play with your ball of fur. It’s a win-win deal.

Take your puppy out for a walk and, more importantly, for one last chance to eliminate any surprises before going to bed.

Place the puppy in a crate in your bedroom. He will definitely feel more secure sleeping next to you and won’t trouble you through the night. Your puppy sees the crate as a ‘safe place’ and it triggers his natural instinct to sleep in a ‘den’.

And don’t worry, this phase doesn’t last long.

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