Intestinal Blockage In A Dog

August 25, 2019


Dogs have this interesting but potentially hazardous habit of exploring all the corners of the world using their mouths and your pooch is no exception. He has most likely eaten something that was not meant to be eaten at all.

Now, most of those items pass through his system harmlessly, but some get stuck in your pup’s intestinal tract and cause intestinal blockage which can be serious and possibly fatal if not treated properly and on time.


It takes between 10 and 24 hours for an item that your dog has swallowed to travel through his system and find its way out.

If your dog has swallowed something that was not supposed to be swallowed he will show the symptoms within 24 hours after ingestion.

However, items that are stuck in the upper digestive tract (throat, for example), might cause choking and respiratory distress almost immediately.

Sometimes a swallowed object will go through the upper section of the digestive tract but will stay in the lower intestine. In these cases it takes time for the symptoms to occur. These symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea or your pooch might show signs of abdominal pain.

Removing the unwanted item

If you recognize these symptoms it is necessary to go on a trip to the vet. Surgical intervention might even be necessary and it usually done immediately in order to avoid further complications such as dehydration, bowel perforation, necrosis of intestinal tissue due to a blocked blood supply and sepsis, or even death.

So, if you notice any of these signs in your pup, take the little fellow to the vet, just to be on the safe side.

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