Nail-Clipping: Necessity Or Trauma?

August 16, 2019


We all love our dogs to be clean and groomed, especially if they spend most of their time around nice furniture.

However, not all canines are fond of the infamous nail-clipping, which has become a standard for any apartment dog. In that name, here’s how to make this process as painless as possible both for you and your pet.

Relax And Take It Easy

The primary reason behind a dog’s hatred of clipping nails is that he thinks he’s being forced to do something he wouldn’t normally do.

That’s why the only way to ease this process is to keep your pet as relaxed as possible.

Prepare a whole lot of tiny treats prior to the dead and make sure your pooch associates nail clippers to the smell and taste of those treats. Just take things slow and you’ll get there.

The point of this is to enable your dog to be relaxed while being handled, which is necessary for the nail-clipping process.

Click Here to Find The Best Dog Nail Clippers on Amazon

Once your pooch starts feeling quite alright and much less nervous when it’s time to shorten those claws, simply praise him for every nail you cut and the trouble will be over for you and your pet.

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