What Does It Mean When My Dog Is Trembling?

July 31, 2019

Anxious dog

If you notice that your pooch is trembling every now and then, and it is not due to cold weather, that can be a sign of excitement, but it can also mean your ball of fur might be suffering from a medical condition.

Therefore, you shouldn’t ignore this symptom if you ever come across it.


When it comes to canines, nervousness and anxiety usually manifest themselves in physical ways.

If your dog is anxious, nervous or afraid due to a car ride to the veterinarian or a thunderstorm, for example, the poor thing may start trembling.

This might indicate that your pet is confused, suffers from uncertainty and simply feels lost. It is good idea to observe other classic signs of anxiety and nervousness besides the trembling, and those are: crouching down, rapid panting, excessive salivation and whimpering.

Pure Excitement

On the other hand, your dog might be trembling out of innocent, pure and unadulterated happiness and enthusiasm. If you were away from home for a long time and your pooch just can’t hide and contain all the happiness upon seeing you come in.

When the dog shakes in these instances, it’s because he loves you and he missed you a great deal when you were away, and that’s a good thing. He will probably also bark and even wet himself.

Medical Conditions

Trembling may also be a symptom of various medical conditions, such as poisoning, high temperature, chronic renal failure, neurological disorders and canine distemper.

In these situations book a routine veterinary checkup for your pet so you can determine if the trembling is medically related.

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