Channel Your Dog’s Excess Energy The Right Way

June 16, 2019


Having a hyperactive dog on your hands can be a serious nuisance, but luckily there are ways to reduce your dog’s energy levels and keep the pooch as calm as possible, no drugging involved.

First of all, keep in mind that your dog wants your attention most of all and if you want to eliminate bad behaviour, the first step is to ignore it.

Don’t talk to the dog, don’t make eye contact, don’t touch the dog and simply act like the dog is not even there when your Fido is misbehaving.

Another important thing to do is to devote more time to walking the dog and to increase the time spent outside.

Walking a hyperactive dog three times a day for 15 minutes is probably not going to cut it, so you have to make sure that the dog gets an hour-long walk a day in addition to being taken outside a few times a day to do its business.

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Lastly, don’t forget that every dog is a reflection of its owner, so take the time to re-evaluate your behaviour when you are around your pooch, and maybe you’ll identify little things that you do that actually irritate or make the dog tense and uneasy. In any case, devote as much time to the pet as you can and in turn you will eliminate lots of negatives to owning a dog.

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