Can I Stop My Dog From Snoring?

June 9, 2019


Dogs that snore during sleep can be hilarious with a side of adorable, but given that other residents of the household would like to get some sleep as well, here are a few reasons why dogs snore and tips on how to prevent or reduce snoring.

Some breeds have really short muzzles and their snoring is genetic, so there is very little you can do to stop it. These breeds include pugs, bulldogs, boxers, and the like.

On the other hand, there are causes to snoring that are not genetic and thus can be influenced.

Certain dogs are prone to allergies and the extra mucus contained in their respiratory organs can block the passage of air and result in snoring.

Make sure you dust and vacuum your dog’s bed on a regular basis, and try to keep the house as dust-free as possible. Cigarette smoke can also irritate an allergy-prone dog, so, if possible, no smoking where the pooch sleeps.

Lastly, a dog that is overweight is also prone to snoring because its excess weight is blocking the airways. Try to get your Fido to shed some pounds, and if that’s not possible, get it used to using a pillow at night to elevate the head and ease the snoring. The bed in which the dog sleeps should be round as its position in a round bed leads to the expansion of the air passage.

Find the perfect Sofa/Bed for your dog – Click here

Putting in a little extra time and effort is sure to bring results and let everyone in the house get more sleep, just make sure you’re not too hard on the pooch and can manage your expectations properly.

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