How To Get Your Dog To Stop Growling

May 26, 2019


Overexcited puppies often tend to give a gentle and playful growl, especially during playtime, as they simply can’t divert their excitement in any other way. However, if a grown dog growls uncontrollably, it is crucial to identify the meaning of the growl and get your pooch to stop this nasty habit.

Identifying the Growl

If the growl is mainly high-pitched and your dog is wagging his tail with bowed posture, this means he’s merely playing, and it’s not necessary to correct the behavior.

If you, however, notice your dog growling and curling the upper lip, while he is stiff outwardly with a fixed stare, this means your dog is growling aggressively.

This is typically the result of fear and you should try to discourage this behavior immediately.


First, make sure you identify the trigger causing this aggressive behavior. It is usually the loud vacuum cleaner, a doorbell, other dogs he sees outside, etc. Once you’ve determined the cause, put your canine buddy on a leash and walk him around the house and give him lots of verbal praise.

As praise is a positive stimulus, be sure to withdraw this positive stimulus later on in order to discourage growling. Now, expose him to whatever made him growl and give him a treat. Continue to praise him for as long as he remains passive and calm.

Giving him treats makes your dog link positive associations to the trigger, while praising him will make Fido build positive associations with passive behavior.

When he starts growling again, tug the leash gently and walk him away, while stopping the praise immediately. Repeat this routine as many times as necessary until he chooses not to growl at the trigger.

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