Oatmeal Can Help Your Dog’s Dry Skin

July 11, 2019

If your dog’s coat starts looking and feeling dry, rough and rugged, it may simply be due to the change in weather, which is only temporary, or it can be something more serious. Whatever the cause, you must be careful with what you apply to his skin, since he’ll probably try to lick it off, and sometimes the simplest solutions are the best ones.

Oatmeal is a natural skin moisturizer and it is edible. Two for two. It is very effective for soothing dry and itchy skin since it has a high concentration of chemicals like phenols and avenanthramides, which are excellent for relieving skin itching, inflammation and irritation.

When it comes to eczema and psoriasis, oatmeal is capable of balancing the skin’s pH, which makes it a valuable means for relieving itchiness and can help with allergic reactions to ticks and fleas.

Just like with us humans, the skin is dog’s largest organ, so it needs to be taken care of and moisturized in order to stay healthy.

Oatmeal can be used to add some conditioning to your dog’s skin and fur, and the procedure is quite simple.

With a handful of oats inside a nylon sock, slide the open end of the sock over the bathtub’s tap and fill the tub with lukewarm water which is filtered through the oats.

Soak your pup in the water for about 15 minutes, and the oatmeal water will condition and moisturize his skin.

You can also add oatmeal to his diet. Oatmeal is safe for dogs to eat as long as it’s cooked plain and unsweetened.

In fact, according to the World Health Organization, the protein quality of wild oats is equivalent to that of meat, eggs, soy and milk, and a high-protein diet is essential to your dog’s health and the vitality of his coat.

So, even if your dog’s skin is in good condition and he doesn’t have problems with dry skin, incorporate oatmeal into his diet nevertheless. It will keep you on the safe side.

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