Preparing For A Dog’s Labor

August 13, 2019


Gestation period in dogs is 63 days long and most females give birth within three or four days around their due date. Now, labor can be quite a difficult process and it can sometimes last for up to 12 hours, so it might be necessary to progress a dog’s labor, should there be long gaps between the pups.

First things first

Arrange a box in a quiet room one week before the dog’s delivery date so the future mom will adjust to it and feel comfortable.

The dog is usually restless before going into labor, and this box will give her a place to rest up for the impending birth.

Female dogs are able to stop their labor for hours at a time if they are uncomfortable.

Start taking dog’s temperature twice a day 7 days before delivery. Normal body temperature is 100 degrees F and will drop by approximately two degrees when the labor starts.

Signs of labor

Watch the dog closely for signs that she has gone into labor. The signs include licking of the genitals, turning and pawing at her bedding and she will probably refuse any food. The first pup should be born within an hour from the beginning of labor. Next puppies should be arriving in the intervals of 15 to 30 minutes.


Inducing the labor

If the intervals are longer than 30 minutes between the pups, that means something is not going as smoothly as it should and it is time for progressing the labor.

Try walking the dog to progress her labor. Buckle the collar around her neck and clip the leash to the collar, encouraging the dog to follow you. Offer her some of her favorite treats to keep her going if she refuses to follow you. Walking stimulates the abdominal muscles and helps the puppies to settle lower in the birth canal, stimulating contractions. If this doesn’t help, try rubbing her abdomen in circles from the ribs back toward the tail.

If this doesn’t help inducing the postponed labor, call your vet immediately.

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