Dogs Lying On Their Backs – Explained

August 28, 2019


Seeing your pooch lying upside-down with all four legs high up in the air is one of the cutest sights you’ll probably ever see. However, this lying on their backs without a care in the world is actually a bit more complicated than simply resting on your living room floor.

Respectful Ancestors

Dogs still hold onto many habits and primitive behaviors they inherited from wolfs.

In spite of centuries of domestication, they still do many things their wolf ancestors did, even though those habits make no sense today.

Howling along with the music or sirens is a perfect example. Rolling over on their backs is another. Wolfs roll over to show respect to the alpha of the pack, much like humans bow their head to show deference among certain people.

Safely Resting

Some dogs simply like to sleep on their backs and that usually means they are comfortable around their owners.

In the wild, dogs worry about predators and they sleep belly-down in order to protect themselves and so they can get up quickly in case dangerous predators come to harass the pack. A safe, secure-feeling dog is not worried about being belly-up to the world.

Rub it!

When your pooch is happy and feels safe while you’re playing, he might roll over hoping for a nice tummy scratch. Dogs are among the most tactile creatures out here and they simply love to be petted, especially by their human owner whom they trust the most.

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