Help Your Pug Deal With Excess Humidity

August 31, 2019


Different breeds have different innate health issues that the owner needs to keep in mind to help the dog overcome its problems and live a healthy life.

Pugs have breathing problems that are especially pronounced in the summer when the temperatures and humidity are particularly high.

In order to help your pooch deal with hot summer months and still maintain its vigor and zest for life, make sure your pug is not outside between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

This may seem like a long time and if the pooch does its business during the day as well, take it outside just briefly somewhere nearby that doesn’t include a walk longer than 3-5 minutes.

The best time to walk your pug in the summer is after sunset as it will be able to breathe normally and won’t get too tired too quickly. Everyone who owns a pug has noticed people pushing these dogs in doggy strollers of some sort.

This is certainly a good idea if you want to take your dog outside without exposing it to quick exhaustion that follows due to breathing problems. Provide fresh water at all times and clean the dog’s wrinkles on a daily basis.


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