Is Hiding Under The Bed Normal?

September 8, 2019


When we are little we think that all those hideous monsters are hiding exactly there, but for our little furry friends, under the bed area is actually completely the opposite.

Fido is hiding under your bed because he sees as the safe place where thunderstorm and other scary stuff can’t hurt him.

Sudden noise, something getting dropped or some stranger getting into your house, are all triggers for this behavior and it is perfectly normal.

Some breeds are overly timid by nature and are known for running and hiding whenever they are frightened.

Comfort & Solitude

On the other hand, some pooches simply find the area under the bed comfortable and soothing. The temperature may just right or perhaps the carpet is much softer there as it hasn’t been worn out.

If you have a terrier, for example, you don’t have anything to worry about as they are known to prefer dark places where they can be alone with their own thoughts, so to speak.

Also, small breeds don’t want to get trampled or have something dropped on them, and they are used to run to safety whenever there is danger in sight.

Bottom line is, if your canine friend doesn’t appear to be anxious, only a bit scared or simply enjoying his me-time, there’s no need to worry.

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