Is Your Dog Peeing Uncontrollably? – Here’s Why

September 5, 2019


If your ball of fur developed a seemingly uncontrollable urge to go number one, and he daily goes more than usual, it might mean it is time for paying a visit to your vet. Uncontrollable peeing is likely a sign of a bigger health issue, the aging process or even diabetes or bladder stones.

Visible Signs

If you’re uncertain whether your pooch has this problem, pay attention to his urinary patterns.

If your carpet has brand new damp patches or your kitchen floor is suddenly more slippery than before, it might mean your doggy has developed uncontrollable leakage issue.

Pay attention especially to the area around your dog’s bedding. Along with the visible leakage, you may also notice your pet constantly licking the genital region. Check for skin inflammation or irritation, for they are also strong signs of a more serious urinary problem.

Health Issues

Uncontrollable peeing might be a strong indication that something is severely wrong with your pet’s health.

Problem with controlling the bladder is often a symptom of urinary tract infection (UTI), hormonal conditions, bladder stones and congenital disorders, and sometimes it can even be a sign of diabetes and kidney disease.

On the other hand, if your pooch is a bit more experienced – say 10 years and older – it is natural for him to have troubles with bladder management.

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