New To Having Dogs – How Much Water should My Puppy Drink?

June 14, 2019


Puppies are cute and cuddly, and they are also constantly on the move. That’s why they need plenty of food and water to stay healthy, exuberant and grow into happy dogs.

How much water your puppy should consume on a daily basis has to do with his size, age and activity level more than anything, but there are some general rules worth following if you want to make sure your dog stays well hydrated.

The youngest ones will initially get the hydration they need from their mother’s milk.

As they starts to explore the world around them and eat more solid foods, they will need a steady supply of fresh water to drink as well.

Growing puppies need around half a cup of water every couple of hours depending on their age and size, so make sure the water bowl is always full around young explorers.

Once the puppy starts steadily cruising toward adulthood, his/her water intake decreases significantly. The average dog needs between half an ounce to one ounce of water per pound of body weight in a given day. If your puppy weighs 20 pounds, for instance, he’d need between 10 and 20 ounces of water on a daily basis in order to stay hydrated.


How do I know if my pooch is dehydrating?

Dehydration is extremely dangerous for your pup and can lead to serious health complications, so it’s quite important to be certain the dog has access to enough clean water. The easiest way to check for dehydration is to grab the skin on your dog’s neck and stretch it out. If the skin doesn’t snap back into place, your dog could be dealing with dehydration. Of course, always check with a vet if you think your dog is experiencing health problems.

However, too much water isn’t good either

During the hot months that lay ahead, your dog might over-drink after hanging out and playing outside or after a long walk. In order to prevent bloating and ensure your dog doesn’t drink too much, drop a few ice cubes into his water bowl before filling it up. Licking and chewing the ice cubes will help him cool down, which will make him drink less water later.

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