Puppy Care – Shedding The First Coat

April 2, 2019


The first time your buddy starts to shed it is to get rid of that first puppy fuzz and to make way for an adult coat of fur. It is important to know when to expect this initial round of shedding so you can prepare for all the extra grooming ahead.

What’s that Fuzz all about?

Puppy fuzz or a puppy coat is the original coat of soft, fluffy and unruly fur that canines are born with.

It is eventually replaced by an adult coat that is comprised of thicker, stiffer hairs for better protection against the elements and irritants.

If your pooch is a breed that has a double coat, consisting of an undercoat and topcoat, it will develop after the puppy fur has been shed.

Average Age for the First Shedding

Most dogs start to lose the puppy coat at between 4 and 6 months of age, however, this can vary depending on the breed, health and the climate.

If your buddy is short-haired, the shedding will be subtle and sometimes even hard to spot. Most puppies have a complete adult coat by about 8 months old.

On the other hand, there are breeds like the Pomeranian, which take an exceptionally long time to grow a complete adult coat. The baby coat will start to fall off at the normal time (around 4 to 6 months of age), but the proper adult coat may not be formed until the dog reaches nearly 2 years of age. During this stage the puppy’s coat may look thin and even ragged.

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