Why Is My Dog Hiding Under The Bed?

May 6, 2019


This behavior is quite common and a number of situations can lead to pooches hiding under beds or table. Some breeds are more timid by nature and dark means safety for them.

However, sometimes this behavior can be a symptom of a more serious anxiety disorder, thus it would be best to pay a visit to your vet if your canine friend frequently seeks shelter under your bed.


The most common reason is, of course, fear.

A scary stranger may be passing by your backyard or you might be having an unexpected guest whom your pooch doesn’t know yet, or it may be the oldest reason in the book – thunderstorm.

Our furry buddies can be overly shy and timid, especially if they’ve been abused in the past, and some breeds are known for hiding when they’re afraid, however, the good news is that this isn’t a behavioral problem if it doesn’t happen too often.


If your dog, on the other hand, spends too much time isolated and scared, this might be due to a more serious anxiety problems. Some dogs become anxious when many children come into the home and tease the poor fella. Loud music and movies may also cause your dog to run for safety.

If you notice a pattern in your dog’s hiding under the bed, try to limit those situations so your pooch becomes less anxious and root out the stress.


Unlike with the first two cases, oftentimes dogs may simply find the area under the bed soothing and comfortable.

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The temperature and atmosphere in general may be more preferable as opposed to by the front door. All in all, if your canine friend doesn’t seem fearful or anxious, there’s nothing to worry about.

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8 years ago

Thanks you You saved my dog